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Mouth Guards

At Kingswood Dentistry in Barrie, our dentists offer custom-fitted mouth guards to help protect your teeth while you sleep or play sports.

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Mouth Guards, Barrie Dentist

Protecting Your Teeth & Gums

We must do more than brush and floss to protect and maintain good oral health. If you participate in sports or clench or grind your teeth, a custom-fitted mouth guard can help preserve and protect your oral structures and help you maintain good oral health.

The benefits of these protective dental appliances go beyond just protecting teeth from impact. They can also support general, whole-body health. When you sleep better, you feel better, which is why night guards can be beneficial to patients who struggle with sleep-related issues. In addition to protecting the teeth, sports guards can help protect the inside of the mouth from the teeth themselves during an impact and can also help protect the jaw from injury.

Your smile is important to us and we want to help you protect it as much as possible. At Kingswood Dentistry, we offer sports guards and custom-fitted night guards.

Custom-Fitted Sports Guards

If you are hit in the mouth while playing sports, a custom-fitted sports guard provides a cushioning barrier between your teeth and your mouth's soft tissue, helping to protect your smile.

These dental appliances are custom-made to fit your teeth exactly and are designed to protect the face, jaw, head and teeth from injury while you focus on the action on the ice, diamond, field or court.

Custom-Fitted Night Guards

Do you grind your teeth during sleep? People who do so sometimes end up with chipped or fractured teeth, tooth wear, jaw pain, headaches, and more symptoms due to the stress on their jaw. 

A night guard can help protect your teeth from damage, help keep you from clenching, offer some pain relief to help you get a good night's sleep — and save costs on repairs to teeth in the future.

New Patients Always Welcome

We are accepting new patients! Don't hesitate to contact us and take the first step toward achieving better oral health.

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